Whether it’s for a potential new client or an existing one, we, as an industry, often try to achieve their business objectives with a laundry list of our products and solutions, or our “capabilities.” We have all seen it and most of us (including me) are guilty of doing this from time to time. Then we leave it up to the client to determine whether or not our solutions and functional capabilities line up with their business objectives and the issues they are striving to resolve.

At Brandkarma, we approach every situation with a client like a doctor approaching a patient. The foundation of medical practice, regardless of your specialty, is a good history and physical (H&P) examination — or what the advertising industry calls the research and discovery phase. With every patient, whether new or existing, doctors take a good history of what’s going well and what’s not going well. Then we conduct a thorough physical exam with other diagnostics that will lead us to a diagnosis.

When a client comes in with a very specific complaint or issue, at Brandkarma, we always try to conduct a thorough H&P. Once we come up with a diagnosis of the problem, then we formulate a treatment or solution.