To know or not to know: that is the question

Would you want to know that you were genetically predisposed to developing a disease or condition for which we today have no cure, nor any real therapeutic course of management? […]

A Bump in the Road Toward an AD Therapy

Eli Lilly announced on August 18 that it was ending its large clinical trials of the drug semagacestat in patients with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Semagacestat is a drug that […]

The role of patient relationship management in P4P programs

Medicare and other payers are developing programs to reward physicians and institutions for clinical benchmarks for patient outcomes, marking a paradigm shift from visit-based, individual patient service to collective population […]

All a-twitter

Advertising Age reported late last month a new study that indicates brands are irrelevant on Twitter. The problem may lie with how most marketers are using Twitter, that is, as […]

More mobile-minded physicians are taking pharma’s call

We’re seeing a tremendous uptick in physicians who use PDAs and smartphones. According to recent data from Manhattan Research, 64% of U.S. physicians use a smartphone, and 70% rely heavily […]

Why We Ignore Self-Inflicted Illnesses

I would like to engage you in a little theater of the mind. Let us imagine that an anonymous donor has bequeathed $10 billion for research into 1 of 3 […]

The 80/20 Rule

Ironically, good communication is not always the strongest suit of those working in the communications industry. Communication is where all trust and relationships begin both in your personal as well […]

Emotion. It is driving us all, regardless of what we think.

I am currently reading the book Switch by the Heath brothers. I think it is a brilliant account of what drives us all to make decisions big and small. I […]

Mob Mentality and Marketing

How often do we underestimate the power of social norms? Let’s face it, just like many animals, humans learn by imitating the behaviors they observe, and they continue this learning […]

Requiem for the Me-Too Drug

When I hear public uproar over the price of prescription drugs, my initial urge is to defend the pharmaceutical companies. The average R&D cost for a new molecular entity (NME) […]